Sep 20, 2021 |
Ransomware | 2493
Ransomware can be compared to kidnapping where someone who is close to you is abducted and is threatened to be only released once a ransom amount is paid to the abductors. However, in this case, rather than abducting a person, the attackers/ hackers instead lock your systems so that you can not use your data ...
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Sep 21, 2019 |
Ransomware | 1461
It seems everywhere you turn – you hear the word “ransomware” and files being encrypted. ‘Ransomware’ might have been a foreign word in times gone by – but today it is a better known word – thanks, be to the bombardment of such attacks in our lives. ‘Ransomware’is a type of malware that lock...
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Nov 24, 2018 |
Ransomware, Zoziel Freire | 1756
What is ‘Ransomware’ and how does it work?
With advances in technology, it has become a big battle to keep our environment safe. There are new kinds of threats being created everyday which aim to target servers and network systems. The managers need to be prepared against these threats, using support too...
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