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Core Java Online Training and Certification Course
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Java is a popular programming language. It is used for the development of web applications and mobile applications. Core Java is a part of the Java language and it is a beginner’s course. You need to learn Core Java if you want to learn Advanced Java.

Course Highlights

  • 40+ hours of instructor-led training
  • Basics of Security and Good programming practices
  • Practical Learning with logical problem solving
  • Coding Exercise on Core Java

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Course Description


Core Java is a classical object-oriented programming language. Unlike C, it is platform-independent. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) makes it possible to be platform-independent as it runs the same code irrespective of the hardware used. We provide training on securing your development process, where we make sure that your concept of security is comprehensible at the starting stage of the programming career. This training induces security to the application in application development, across all the phases of the entire Software Development Life Cycle. Java programming course provides functional and object-oriented programming concepts. This experience can be used in developing web applications and standalone applications. You can also develop platform-independent applications if you have absolute knowledge of the Java programming language.

Why Core Java with InfosecTrain?

InfosecTrain is one of the finest security and technology training and consulting organizations, focusing on a range of IT security training and Information Security services. InfosecTrain offers complete training and consulting solutions to its customers globally. Whether the requirements are technical services, certification, or customized training, InfosecTrain is consistently delivering the highest quality and best success rate in the industry.

  • We offer entire certification-based training.
  • We have certified and highly experienced trainers who have an in-depth knowledge of the subject.
  • Our training schedule is flexible and we also provide recording of the lectures.
  • We deliver post-training support.
  • We also bring forth an interactive Q & A session.
  • Provide knowledge of the basics of security required during project development.

Target Audience

  • Students wanting to start a career in programming
  • Beginners with Java
  • Web Developers
  • Software Developers
  • Software Engineers


  • Three to six months working experience with any of the high-level programming language such as C or C++
  • Prior knowledge of IDEs


8 + 85 =

Course Objectives

  • Introduction to Security
  • Introduction to Core Java
  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Conditional and Looping Statements
  • OOPS Concept and Basics
  • String class
  • Array
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Collections
  • Exception Handling
  • Introduction to Multi-Threading

Course Content

Introduction and Installation    

  • Introduction to Security
  • Importance of Security
  • Development Model- SDLC and How we Implement Security in each stage of the Development Model
  • Java + Eclipse or STS4
  • Introduction to Programming Language
  • Introduction to Core Java
  • Difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM

Programming Fundamentals      

  • Data Types
  • Difference between Primitive & Non-Primitive
  • Data Types
  • Variable Declaration & Initialization
  • Type Casting
  • Operators and their types

Conditional and Looping Statements     

  • If conditions
  • If-Else conditions
  • Nested If conditions
  • Else-If Ladder conditions
  • Switch-Case statements
  • break and continue keywords
  • Different forms of Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do-While Loop
  • For Loop
  • Nested Loop

OOPS Concept and Basics           

  • Classes and Objects
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Interface

String class        

Different Inbuild Methods


  • Single Dimensional Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Array
  • Sorting of Arrays

Wrapper Classes             

  • Autoboxing
  • Unboxing


  • Array List
  • Linked List
  • Hash Set
  • Tree Set
  • Map

Exception Handling        

  • Exception and its types
  • How to handle exceptions?
  • Multiple catch blocks
  • Finally block
  • Difference between throw and throws
  • Custom Exception

File Handling     

  • File Reader
  • File Writer

Introduction to Multi-Threading

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1. What is the use of Core Java?
The fundamentals of the Java programming language are covered in Core Java. It is used to create computing and desktop apps. Also, it is a beginner-level course that lays a strong foundation for those who want to learn Advanced Java.
2. Can I get a job if I learn Core Java?
Yes, for the most part. Even recruiters recognize that the information we gain in college is insufficient for a software career. They’ll be able to tell you how confident you are. Yes, you can find a job based on core Java, and it will help if you have some SQL skills as well.
3. Is it possible to learn Core Java in a day?
First and foremost, I must state that you cannot learn java or any other programming language in a single day. If you’ve ever used a programming language before, you should already be aware of this. However, if you want to learn it quickly, you can start by binge-watching online courses.
4. What are the fundamentals of Core Java?
Java SE (Java Standard Edition) covers OOPs, String, Regex, Exception, Inner classes, Multithreading, I/O Stream, Networking, AWT, Swing, Reflection, Collection, and other key subjects.
5. Which field is the most suitable for Java?

A top candidate for Java programming employment should have the following advanced skills:

  • AI and machine learning
  • Blockchain
  • Python
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Hadoop/Big Data
  • Mobile technologies (Android or OS)
  • Advanced JavaScript framework (e.g., Angular, React, VueJS)
  • Spring Boot/microservices.
6. Define Java for beginners.

Java, like Python and JavaScript, is a general-purpose programming language. The language is an object-oriented programming language, therefore it has some similarities to C++ and C#. Java is also a platform, which implies that programs written in Java can execute on any machine that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

7. What are the differences between the two types of Java?
Java programs are divided into two categories: Java Stand-Alone Applications and Java Applets. A Java program that can run on its own on a computer is referred to as a stand-alone Java application. Java applets are web-based Java applications that run in a browser. They’re primarily utilized for web programming.
8. Is it better to use Java or Core Java?
While Java is used to create applets and applications, Core Java is mostly utilized to create desktop and server-side application software. Core Java is the most basic and pure version of the programming language, and it serves as the foundation for all other editions of the language.